Personal Data Policy
The data processing policy establishes the terms in which UNCode uses and saves the user provisioned information when using the software system. UNCode is committed to the users data security. We ensure that all the data that the owner provides to, will only be used according to the established terms in this document, and with the law 1581 of 2012. However, we suggest checking frequently the page to make sure you agree with the eventual changes that may be made to the data policy in the future.
Set the criteria for the collection, storage, use, movement and deletion of the personal data processed by UNCode. Such as treatment for assessment, decisions making, and observation and study.
The policy applies for the personal data registered in the UNCode databases, who acts as the responsible of the personal data processing.
This is a mandatory and strictly enforced policy for UNCode.
Processing responsible
UNCode is a project developed by PLaS, a research group of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá headquarters.
Data processing
Personal data is collected through forms and interaction and development of tasks on the platform. The software system collect personal information as name, career, contact data as e-mail, and demographic information. Also the system collects information about each solution provided on problem as attempt state, errors type, code or notebook provided, date of submission, among others.
UNCode will execute the data processing through the collection, storage, use and circulation to:
Evaluate and grade the knowledge communicated throughout the development of the courses.
Decisions making about the pedagogical methodologies and resources used.
Monitoring, observation and study to help research processes.
Data owners rights
As the owner of your personal data, you have the following rights:
- Have a free access to the provided data that have been processed.
- Read, update and verify the partial, incorrect and incomplete data that may cause error or whose processing is not allowed.
- Present complaints for infractions to the provisions of current regulations or have not been authorized, at the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio.
- Request the proof of the granted authorization.
- Revoke the authorization and request the data deletion, while there is no legal or contractual duty that prevents them from being deleted.
- Do not answer question about sensitive data. They will be optionals the answers about sensitive data, or children and adolescents data.
Requests, queries and claims attention
UNCode is that agency who is responsible for processing of the data owners to make effective their rights. You can communicate by writing to the following email for the exercise of the Habeas Data right
For the protection of personal data, UNCode presents the following steps and minimum requirements for the exercise of your rights.
Is necessary give the following information in order to attend your request:
Complete name and last name.
Contact information.
Reason of request claim with a brief description of the right that you want to exert (consult, update, verify, revoke, delete, request proof of the granted authorization, access the data).
The max. provided term by the law to resolve your claim is fifteen (15) business days, from the day next to the date of the receipt. If it is not possible to attend the claim within these term, UNCode will inform of the reasons for the delay, and the attend date of your claim, which may not exceed eight (8) business days next to the expiration of the first term.
Once the terms indicated by Law 1581 of 2012 and the other norms that regulate o complement it have been fulfilled, the data owner who is denied, totally o partiality, the exercise of the rights of access, update, rectification, deletion and revoke, may bring your case to the attention of the Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio.
The present policy for personal data processing applies from October 23, 2020.
All the information provided will be kept as long as it is not requested for delete it, and that there is no legal duty to preserve it.