Enunciado del problema
Alice and Bob are playing a game: Alice selects a text t and a word w, and then Bob has to say how many times w occurs in t. However, after a while, Alice realizes that this version of the game is too boring for Bob and decides to make a modification: in her new version of the game, the wildcard symbol ‘?’ can occur in w any number of times. Each occurrence of ‘?’ in w can be matched with any character in t.
In the new version of the game, for instance, if the text is t = banana and the word is w = ?a?, then w occurs twice in t: at position 0 matching ban and at position 2 matching nan. Notice that matches can overlap.
Can you write a program to help Bob solve this new game?
The input consists of two lines. The first line contains the text t and the second line contains the word w. The text t consists of lowercase letters from the English alphabet \((1 \leq |t| \leq 10^5)\), and the word w consists of lowercase letters from the English alphabet and the wildcard character ‘?’ \((1 \leq |w| \leq 10^5)\). It is guaranteed that there will be at most k wildcard characters in w, where \(0 \leq k \leq min(|w|, \frac{10^6}{|t|})\)
Print a line with one integer denoting the number of times w appears in t if each wildcard character matches any character in t.
Entrada Ejemplo 1
banana ?a?
Salida Ejemplo 1
Entrada Ejemplo 2
bananas ?a?
Salida Ejemplo 2
Entrada Ejemplo 3
abide a??d
Salida Ejemplo 3
Entrada Ejemplo 4
abide a?d
Salida Ejemplo 4
Entrada Ejemplo 5
abracadabra a?a
Salida Ejemplo 5
Entrada Ejemplo 6
acisredis ?b
Salida Ejemplo 6
Entrada Ejemplo 7
acisredis ??
Salida Ejemplo 7
Entrada Ejemplo 8
icpc world?finals
Salida Ejemplo 8
"La salida debe tener un caractér de nueva línea al final del archivo, de lo contrario puede recibir el veredicto de respuesta incorrecta.".